Michael Moore to President Ahmadinejad, some prominent taqiyyah tacticians of today...
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the most controversial President of Iran. He has been criticized domestically for his economic lapses and disregard for human rights. His election to a second term in 2009 was widely rigged, which caused widespread protests domestically, and drew significant international criticism; the opposition parties, section of the traditional clerical circle and influential Iranian politicians questioned the legitimacy of his presidency. He is an outspoken critic of the United States, Israel, and United Kingdom. He abides by Iran's long-standing policy of refusal to recognize Israel as a legitimate nation or as representative of the region's population, but actively seeks Israel's destruction.
On 23 Sep. 2010, President Ahmadinejad again made offensive comments at the United Nations. While addressing the General Assembly, Ahmadinejad explained the reason for 9/11 attack by saying, “that some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy, and its grips on the Middle East, in order to save the Zionist regime." "...The majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view,” he claimed. He also asked for the formation of an independent fact-finding body to investigate the 9/11 attacks.
The reader may recall that in the past, Ahmadinejad called 9/11 as a conspiracy by the US and Israel, and accused both Israel and the U.S. for the attacks on 9/11. And his conspiracy theory is supported many Muslims around the world. According to a Pew Global survey, over half of the British Muslims and a fifth of U.S. Muslims believe in Ahmadinejad's conspiracy theory of a US-Israeli hand behind the 9/11 attacks.
It should be noted here that Islam cannot survive without telling lies; hence Muslim leaders don't hesitate to say even the most outrageous lies. Sometimes, it becomes difficult for ordinary non-Muslims to fathom how leaders and head of nations of the Muslim world can tell such blatant lies loudly and repeatedly.
Michael Moore Dedicates Himself for the Cause of Islam
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Michael Francis Moore (born April 23, 1954) is an American filmmaker, author and liberal political commentator. He is the director of many movies and to name of the few are Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, and Capitalism: and also many documentaries. A Love Story, four of the top nine highest-grossing documentaries of all time.[3] In September 2008, he released his first free movie on the Internet, Slacker Uprising, documenting his personal crusade to encourage more Americans to vote in presidential elections.[4] He has also written and starred in the TV shows TV Nation and The Awful Truth.
Born in Flint and raised in Davison, Michigan, Moore was brought up as a Roman Catholic and had even intended to join the seminary. Now a self-described liberal, Moore has criticized globalization, large corporations, assault weapon ownership, the Iraq War, U.S. President George W. Bush and the American healthcare system in his written and cinematic works.
Moore is a noted sympathizer of Muslims. In a recent interview with CNN, self-loathing Michael Moore, he not only supported the proposed building of a controversial mosque near the Ground Zero, he proposed it be built on the Ground Zero itself. He boldly opined, “I am opposed to the building of the “mosque” two blocks from Ground Zero. I want it built on Ground Zero.”
In this connection, the reader may recall that “Muslim immigrants of America led by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf planned to build a mosque along with a Muslim cultural center near Ground Zero. Initially the project was named Cordova Islamic center. Cordova being a name of a city in Spain, the name has a historic significance. In the middle ages, Cordova was the center of Islamic culture and the seat of an Islamic Caliphate (Muslim Ruler). Under the rule of the Caliphate, all non-Muslims, including Jews and Christians were subjugated to Islam.”(Wikipedia Encl)
The facts about Islam blog writes:
When the little secret was exposed, Imam Rauf changed the name of the project to Park51. Michael Moore not only wants the proposed mosque be built near the Ground Zero, he is also actively raising money for the project. According to his website, he already has raised $50,000, which he will donate to Imam Rouf. (ibid).
On the day of 9/11 this year, Moore appealed to his supporters to donate for the cause and promised to match up to $10,000. However, he was able to raise 5 times more than originally planned. The names of the contributors are unknown. They can either be enthusiastic Muslims or Dhimnis like Moore.
Mike Ghouse
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Mike Ghouse is an Indian-born Muslim. He has changed his original Muslim name (probably from Muhammad to Mike), perhaps to camouflage his Islamic identity. In fact, he was born and raised in Yelahanka, a suburb of Bangalore, India. His father M. Abdul Rahman was India's freedom fighter and the Mayor of the Town of Yelahanka (1952-53). And his Mother’s name was Khairun Nisa.
Many authors inform us that both his father and mother were pluralists, and their influence made Mike a pluralist, too. Some authors even say that his father used to recite pluralistic verses of the Koran. But those, who have read the Koran and know a little about Islam, will refuse to accept such a notion. In fact, there is not even a single verse in the Quran that may be called pluralist. Basically, Koran is a book of hatred that instructs Muslims to kill the entire polytheistic population on the earth and to subjugate the monotheists like Jews and Christians in order to bring the whole world under the banner of Islam. So the claim that his father and mother were pluralistic Muslims is a blatant lie; and Mike Ghouse, in propagating these stories, is lying as part of sacred Islamic ploy of taqiyyah.
Mike Ghouse once said, "My kids Jeff and Mina (Jazzie) have excited me with their fresh perspectives on life and God. All my inspirers have frequently helped me see the world from another point of view, i.e., respecting all creation and "live and let live" point of view.” Here Ghouse played another taqiyya. Allah, the God of his faith, Islam, does not believe in the notion “Live and let live.” In so many verses of the Islamic holy book Koran, Allah says: Islam is the only religion Allah approves; in other words: Let Muslims live and all others perish.
Elsewhere Ghouse says: “My intuitive pluralism and ZERO prejudice has it's origins in Islam, Hinduism, Jainism and Christianity, many consider me to be a Baha'i. I was pleased to hear someone called me a Jew as well, and I have been told by people of different faiths that I belong to them. Thanks to my father for unlocking me from a singular cell and opening multiple windows of knowledge for me."
This comment is another sample of his use of taqiyya and a terrible lie. His intuitive pluralism and ZERO prejudice might have come from Hinduism, Jainism or Buddhism or from any other religions originated in INDIA, but certainly not from Islam.
On another occasion, he said: "A good Muslim is a good Hindu, is a good Christian, is a good Jew, and is a good human being."
This is another piece of his taqiyyah. A good and pious Muslim is a terribly dangerous person for the people of other faiths. The Koran says:
- But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war; but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (Quran 9:5)
- Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. (Quran 9:29)
- you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard. (Quran 9:123)
So, it is not difficult to understand that, if a Muslim becomes very pious and begins to do what Allah has commanded him to do in the Koran, what a dangerous person he/she would become for non-Muslims.
Many are convinced that Ghouse grew up enjoying and celebrating Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Parsee and Christian Festivals. He is grateful to his parents for the exposure he was given. "My family has come to believe that all festivals are meant to celebrate and share the joy with the people you know," writes Ghouse. Years later he produced a Radio show, called "Festivals of the World", where the essence and significance of every festival was shared on Saturdays.
Readers should understand that this is not a new technique. Centuries ago, particularly during the Muslim period of Indian history, Sufi saints used to do similar things, as the first step to convert the Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and others to Islam. And those converts later waged Jihad against their coreligionists of the yesteryear. So, it is not difficult to understand that Mike Ghouse (and his father and mother) is using same taqiyyah of converting people to Islam.
Mike Ghouse tells us that he draws inspiration from the lives of great men like Prophet Mohammad, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Mother Theresa, Gautama Buddha, Krishna, Guru Nanak, Martin Luther King Jr., father Abdul Rahman, mother Khairun Nisa and so on. In this context, one should know that some Sufi saints in the past went to the extreme of even worshipping Hindu gods and goddesses to fool the Hindus and to draw them to Islam, who eventually became haters of the Hindus and their faith.