All he did is posted violent Quranic verses and duly called Muhammad "the first terrorist in the name of Islam" on his Facebook page.
![]() Joseph Adams |
Joseph Adams, who worked in the electorate office of the Smithfield Party Liberal of Australia NSW as an adviser, was sacked on Friday for posting violent passages of the Quran on his Facebook page including a description of Prophet Muhammad as "the first terrorist of Islam".
Mr. Adams’ comments angered some of his 1000 Facebook “friends”, which include 15 state government MPs and four ministers.
He was labelled a "bigot" and the ”biggest f—ing racist ever" by his Facebook "friends."
No one will accuse anyone of racism for criticizing Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Communism or any faith or ideology. Yet somehow, some people are convinced that Islam is a race. This false narrative is inculcated in the western world by Muslims many people who refuse to think have bought into it.
”The religious babble you refer to is Islam,” he commented on June 4. ”There was no war. It was terrorism. Muhammad was the first terrorist in the name of Islam.”
He followed up with: “Why are you getting upset? I’m not the one who is teaching others to kill in the name of Islam. Mohommed is not my hero.”
On March 24, he responded to a Facebook ”friend,” Faten Dabs with the comment: ”If you leave Islam it is HALAL for you to be EXECUTED. Lol. No wonder people are afraid to leave Islam.”
Joseph Adams has spoken the truth. The Quran promotes violence and Muhammad was a terrorist. Muslims are afraid of leaving Islam for anyone who does do so, would be killed.
When someone made an absurd comparison between Jesus and Muhammad, and branded him as “a bigot” Adams responded: ”Your biblical quotes are as ridiculous as your comparisons. I guess you never paid attention at Sunday school. Jesus spoke in parables. Mohommed on the other hand gave orders to kill.”
”You seem to like standing up for killers and murderers. Is Ivan Milat a good person too? Perhaps you think Hitler was a great Prophet too? After all he did put a book together called Mein Kampf. Don’t waste our time here Aaron. The only bigot here is someone with an uninformed view.”
Joseph Adams is a courageous man for merely speaking the truth. He, who identifies himself as an Australian of Assyrian Christian descent, told The Sun-Herald on Friday that he was not ”thinking politically” when he made the remarks. It is politically suicidal to speak the truth. ”Rather than listen to what people say about the Koran I decided I would read it myself,” he said.
”It was nothing political. I didn’t think it would be used against me and people would accuse me of being racist.” But sadly we live in a world of bigots and ignoramuses who think Islam is a race and those who speak against this ideology of hate face discrimination and even prosecution.
Facing loss of job, Joseph Adams tried to retract and said, “’What I did was a mistake, I did not think it would be used for political purposes. In my mind I was living in a free society where we value free speech. Why should religion be a taboo subject?”
However, his mistake is to apologize. He should instead fight against being discriminated for speaking the truth. Apologies will only embolden Muslims and they don’t work. The Premier, Barry O’Farrell, did not agree with the apology. Late on Friday a government spokesman said in a statement: ”The comments were totally inappropriate and the staff member has already been terminated.”
Adams’ comments were truth. It is shameful for the O’Farrell to punish a man for speaking the truth. This is a blatant violation of human rights and the freedom of speech. It creates an atmosphere of terror in Australia where those who speak the truth fear doing so and those who promote hate and violence will be emboldened.
Mr O’Farrell won from Labor at the election in one of Sydney’s most multicultural electorates, with 60 per cent of constituents born overseas, primarily Muslims. The politicians who pander to Muslim vote are selling out their freedom for their own politial gain.