I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hell was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. Revelation 6:8


Ahmadinejad's Brinkmanship: Mecca and Medina Suffer the Fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

A dangerous misstep by the Iranian madman Ahmadinejad may see the Islamic hate-centers of Mecca and Medina turned to ashes, probably unshering the end of Islam once and for all.

At sunrise one will see a great fire,
Noise and light extending towards "Aquilon:"
Within the circle death and one will hear cries,
Through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them”.

--- From Nostradamus (Century II, Quatrain 91)

On December 7, 1941 Japanese forces attacked United States naval and air bases in the Hawaiian Islands and scored a major victory. Over 2,300 US military personnel lost their lives and the United States' Pacific fleet was completely devastated. It was a surprise attack for which US was not prepared. The next day President Franklin Roosevelt declared war against Japan, and described the Japanese attack as "a date which will live in infamy." (Montefiore, 2005, p. 105)

On September 9, 2011 a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States caused death of estimated 3,000 innocent people. The mighty twin towers of the World Trade Center and surrounding buildings, and part of the Pentagon building collapsed. There were reports and even pictures of rejoicing on streets in the Arab and other Muslim world at the news of the attacks. A response came from Hamas weekly: “Allah has answered our prayers” (Lewis, 2003, p. 132,134). President George Bush addressed the Nation, “Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature”. (Richardson, 2006, p. 19)

Both December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001 were tragic days in American history, because both were acts of aggression. Both incidents ignited passion, fueled patriotism and unity in the hearts of American, and united the nation on taking strong military action: one was declared and another undeclared (Congress has not officially declared war on Afghanistan).

Japan (one of the three major three Axis powers, another two were Germany and Italy) started attacking the United State's allies one after another, but US tried to remain away from the war. Pearl Harbor attack was an unprovoked Japanese crime. And as the U.S. declared war on Japan after Pearl Harbor attack, Germany declared war on the U.S. forcing President Roosevelt to declare war with Hitler, too.

Bush must have felt the same regarding Islamic terrorists after 9/11. Had these attacks been prevented, America might not have entered World War II or embarked on the ‘War on Terror’. In both cases, the sheer magnitude of the destruction led America to reassess its standing in the world and conclude that decisive action was absolutely required. Over the years few critics have disagreed with the above judgments.

There are some striking similarities between these two deadly attacks on America. Firstly, both were surprise attacks causing huge death and destruction. Coming without warning, like stabbing to its back, they made the US change its foreign policy drastically. Against Japan, the US started a conflict with a foreign country, while with the 9/11 attack, America entered in war against an invisible enemy, the international terrorist network of Al-Qaida, lead by Osama Bin Laden. The enemy was concentrated in the "wicked country", Afghanistan. Another similarity: In both cases, airplanes were involved, although for Pearl Harbor, Japanese military aircrafts (dive bombers, a torpedo plane, and a fighter aircraft) and, for the twin towers, civilian passenger planes, hijacked by suicide terrorists, were used.

Also, both attacks were carefully planned and succeeded, because intelligence services failed to break codes, or analyze the data in a prompt and timely manner. Of course, there are conspiracy theories that elements of the US administration, including the two Presidents, Roosevelt and Bush, could have at least eased or allowed these attack to change public opinion for diverting US policy toward direct intervention in a conflict, namely WWII, and against international terrorism. However, these conspiracy theories are entirely without merit and hence they are not part of present discussion.

Now let us look at the dissimilarities. In Pearl Harbor naval soldiers died and there were hardly any civilian death. In the 9/11 attacks, civilians died. For the Pearl Harbor attack, the U.S. destroyed Japan like no other country in its history. By executive order of President Truman, the US dropped the nuclear bomb "Little Boy" on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, followed by the detonation of "Fat Man" over Nagasaki on August 9. Japan started an aggressive war and they refused to surrender even after and as did its big-brother ally Germany. Japan had to pay for it. The Second World War ended quickly with Japan’s surrender on August 15.

Today history is on the verge of repeating itself. There is a strange and out-of-the-world connection between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. The Pearl Harbor bombing resulted in a nuclear disaster and then the end of Second World War. With the 9/11 attacks, war against terrorism started, but is still far from being won. With the end nowhere near in sight, it is worrying where and how will it all end up.

There is only one lesson we learn from history that we learn nothing from it. Neither Osama Bin Laden nor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and others of their league learnt anything from Hiroshima. The New York Times reported that before 9/11 attacks, the U.S. had intercepted an Al-Qaeda message that Laden was planning a major attack against America. We understand that Laden is a terrorist, but what about Ahmadinejad? Being the President and the main political leader of an independent Nation, rich with oil revenue, how can he openly describe Israel as a "disgraceful blot" and say: "…Israel must be wiped off the map" (Alexander & Hoeing, 2008, p. 32,194) and “very soon this ‘stain of disgrace’ [Israel] will be purged from the centre of the Islamic world”? (Bostom, 2008, p. 149)

When a statesman openly expresses such a desire, heed should be paid. This new Hitler is racing against time to secure nuclear weapons, and is getting quite close to it. If his nuclear program continues to progress at its current rate, he will build a bomb before President Obama's current term in office expires.

Iran’s ballistic missile programme magnifies the threat. With technological help from North Korea, Iran fields a Shahab-3 missile whose 1300-km range encompasses Israel. This missile has the payload capacity (about 1tonne) and airframe diameter (greater than 1.2 m) necessary to carry a nuclear warhead. In September 2007, Iran was reported to be working on an 1800-km-range missile known as Ghadr-1. A further development of Shahab-3 is named Shahab-5 or BM-25 which has a range of 2500 km. It can reach many parts of Europe (Schiff, 2006). There are confirmed reports that Iran seeks to build Shahab-6 medium-range missiles with ranges of 4500 km to 5500 km, which would put most European cities including London within its range. All these missiles are capable to deliver weapons of mass destruction. According to a confirmed report, Iran had purchased twelve old X-55 cruise missiles from a Ukrainian black market, which can carry nuclear weapons and has a 3000-km range (Fitzpatrick, 2008, p. 17-8). It would be a grave mistake not to take Ahmadinejad seriously.

Ahmadinejad is a superstitious man. He is deeply committed to the Islamic Messiah, al-Mahdi, the ‘Hidden Imam’ yet to come. According to Shiite belief, this Imam can appear only when the world is in a state of chaos and subjugation. He is supposed to appear shortly before the Day of Judgment (Rippin, 2005, p. 127) and bring a law more perfect than the Shari’a (Pipes, 1983, p. 64). These bizarre Shiite stories had eaten away Ahmadinejad’s brain and made him delusional to such a degree that truth is a fairytale to him. He believes that he was “directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of the Mahdi” and he is to personally prepare the world for the coming Mahdi (Young, 2009, p. 115). According to him, the real ruler of Iran is this occulted Imam (Nasr, 2007, p. 133-4). He even instructed his cabinet to sign a symbolic pledge of allegiance to the Imam.

Ahmadinejad is not a religious leader. He is a politician. He mixes religion with politics, or, more correctly, is using religious sentiment for political gain. Keeping in mind the terrible atrocities that have been perpetrated throughout history in the name of religion, anyone raised in a modern democratic society realizes the imperatives of separating religion and politics. Painful history has shown the great dangers that arise when these two are intertwined (Wangyal, 1975, p. 78). When God, religion and politics are mixed together, it produces deadly concoctions with terrible results. Today, this merchant of death is the most dangerous person in the world.

Delusional Ahmadinejad’s deep-seated hatred for Israel oozes from his every verbal exchange. While addressing a conference titled “The World without Zionism”, Ahmadinejad said (Alexander & Hoeing, 2008, p. 194):

Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world”.

Elsewhere Ahmadinejad stated (Babbin & Gingrich, 2007, p. 111): “For more than 50 years, the World Arrogance [United States] has tried to give recognition to the existence of this fake regime [Israel]....

Iranian vice-president Sayed Ayatollah Mohajerani told Islamic Conference in Teheran in 1992 (U.S Congress, 1993, p. 165): “Since Israel continues to possess nuclear weapons, we, the Muslims, must cooperate to produce an atomic bomb, regardless of U.N. efforts to prevent proliferation.”

Former Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani argued that nuclear weapons could solve the Israel problem, because “the use of a nuclear bomb in Israel will leave nothing on the ground, whereas it will only damage the world of Islam.” (Matas, 2005, p. 155)

According to Ahmadinejad, Israel is the most hated regime in the world. This Iranian warmonger thinks that he can fool the world with his lies. Israel is an island of freedom and prosperity in an area of Islamic darkness, suppression and backwardness. Today Israel is one of the most successful states in spite of severe military threats ever since its birth over 60 years ago, while Iran, despite its huge oil wealth, is miserably poor. The ideological brothers of Ahmadinejad are equally enthusiastic. We can safely ignore camera-loving bin Laden dying (already dead?) in a cave, but not the prominent Muslim leaders, who stressed the need for a nuclear weapon belonging collectively to Islam. Today these fanatics are more dangerous than bin Laden.

The notion of an Islamic bomb had existed long before 9/11. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the architect of Pakistan's nuclear program, wrote in 1977 (Hussain, 2007, p. 158):

We know that Israel and South Africa have full nuclear capability. The Christian, Jewish and Hindu civilizations have this capability. The communist powers also possess it. Only the Islamic civilization was without it, but that position was about to change”.

On that day when the nuclear devices were tested in Baluchistan, masses of Muslims rushed onto the streets of the major cities of Pakistan, shouting "Allahu Akabr! Allahu Akabr!!". They danced with joy around models of Pakistan's nuclear missile, marked "Islamic bomb". One student from the Islamic University of Islamabad in Pakistani capital said: "This is Islam's bomb. It has boosted our confidence, and will reinforce the solidarity of all Muslims faced with the West that rejects and despises us. Muslims unite behind the atomic bomb!"

Undoubtedly the Pakistanis saw in the bomb a sure sign of Allah’s mercy upon Muslims and a panacea for the ills that have plagued Muslims since the end of the so-called Golden Age of Islam. Friday sermons in mosques all over Pakistan emphasized the importance of Pakistan's nuclear bomb to Islam.

Two extremist leaders of Pakistan described the bombs as defense of the Muslim Ummah against the United States and Israel, the two great enemies of Allah. Today, it is an open secret that Pakistan will provide a “nuclear umbrella” for Arab countries in a crisis, though India is the main target. After all Pakistan had received financial support from Saudi Arabia and Libya to develop the bombs.

At present, Pakistan sees itself as leader of the entire Muslim world. As Yossef Bodansky, Director of the Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare for the US Congress puts it (1998): "Other Islamist leaders not only supported the Pakistani test, but expected Pakistan to use its nuclear capabilities to further all Islamic causes."

Pakistan likes the characterization or not, its bomb is an Islamic bomb, and so accepted throughout the Muslim world by both governments and people on the streets.

What’s more! Several Muslim nations are in a mad nuclear arm race, while millions of their own people die of starvation, disease and civil war. Pakistani nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan had already done his Islamic duty by selling nuclear secrets to Iraq, Iran, Libya and North Korea. There are reports that Kyrgyzstan, Syria and Turkey are also not far behind. Also the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the possibility that former Soviet nuclear weapons might become available on the black market, which is a lure to Muslim terrorists (Langewiesche, 2008, p. 24). According to an estimate, some 250 nukes are missing from the Russian stock (Allison, 2005, p. 61). Islamic bomb is not a myth, it’s a reality.

The signs of a nuclear catastrophe in the Third World War are already on the horizon. The doomsday clock has already begun to tick. Pakistan will surely decide to nuke India at the next Indo-Pak war, and once Ahmadinejad’s fantastic wishes are fulfilled by his Allah, Israel will face the same fate of India. It does not need an Einstein-like brain to understand that the next major Islam-Infidel clash will go nuclear. When a war is started, no one knows, beforehand, what would be the outcome, but everyone knows that it will be terrible.

That day may not be far away, when some pious men with beards and prayer caps and propelled by fanatical hatred of infidels will first recite few militant verses from the Koran and then decide when and where atomic weapons are to be used. For those, who understand Muslim psychology, it is not a question of “if” but “when” the attack would happen. The writing is on the wall, those who have eyes, can see it.

Under this critical situation, what should we do to save our motherlands from Islamic bombs? According to Holy Bible, we should love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, and should offer the cheek, if someone strikes on one (Luke 6:27-29, Matthew 5:39). We can also practice strict nonviolence as preached by the Hindu saint Gandhi and die. But will it solve the problem? As Patton said (cited Hall, 2005 p. 123):

Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

While Gandhi won't not agree, the present author has a practical suggestion. Suppose it is the other way around and we are planning to do to them what they are planning to do to us? As Adolf Hitler wrote in his Mein Kampf (1925, p. 58):

“These [terror] tactics are based on an exact calculation of all human weaknesses. They will lead to success with mathematical certainty unless the other side learns to fight poison gas with poison gas.

As President Truman advised (Donovan, 1996. p.97):

When you have to deal with a beast you have to treat him as a beast. It is most regrettable but nevertheless true.”

Once the infidel world’s security or economic interests are threatened by Islamic bombs, the whole non-Muslim world must unite and take anticipatory action to defend ourselves. The moment we see a real, inevitable and impending nuclear threat, we cannot hope to sustain such a devastating attack upon our people. We must take every measure on the table to save the lives of our innocent countrymen. We must not let Pakistani Islamic fanatics or Ahmadinejad's desire to kill infidels (Hindus, Jews and Christians) en masse as their fanatical religious obligation to materialize. For the sake humanity, for human rights and dignity, we must be prepared to punish those fatalistic criminals in a pre-emptive manner to save the lives of our innocent children, men and women.

We must make every effort to ensure that innocent people of the world enjoys their right to life and freedom, celebrate life and pursue happiness, instead of being destroyed by fatalistic Islamic mass-murderers.

World must recognize that innocent humanity has suffered terribly and with respite at the hands of Muhammad's cult of hatred and terror since its founding 1400 years ago. The next great war of Islam upon the infidels must be made decisive, aimed at wiping out his Islam, a cult of hatred and violence, from the face of the earth. And there is no better way of going about it than wiping out Mecca and Medina, the heart of Islam.

Obliteration of Mecca and Medina, the nerve-center of the Islamic hate-cult, will mark the beginning of the complete destruction of Islam. Turning these two terror-centers of Islam into ashes would send shock-waves across the Muslim world about Islam's falsehood and futility as well as the infidel world's unfailing resolve to deal with Islamic aggression and hatred. This will bring Allah to His knees. Once Mecca and Media are thoroughly ‘glassified’, President Ahmadinejad, the henchman of Allah, and hateful-filled supporters will give way to logical thinking. Dismantling of Islam once and for all would begin.

A wrong step of Ahmadinejad or Islamic fanatics of his likes will lead to the Third World War, but also Islam's necessary and eventual extirpation. On Islam's Last Days, the arrival time of Ahmadinejad’s al-Mahdi, aka Islam's demolition man, Islamic scriptures says:

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Time will pass rapidly, good deeds will decrease, miserliness will be thrown (in the hearts of the people) afflictions will appear and there will be much 'Al-Harj." They said, "O Allah's Apostle! What is "Al-Harj?" He said, "Killing! Killing!" (Bukhari: 9:83:183)

What can be said is that a major misstep of Ahmadinejad or Islamic fanatics like him would bring about Islam Last Days. There will be terrible killing and bloodbath, but also the demise of Islam, with infidels standing tall.

This author hopes that issues in the Middle East would sorted out peacefully, that people of all faith in that region and all over the world may live harmony, dignity and peaceful coexistence by following the doctrine of universal friendship. But this madman of Islam from Iran, filled with hatred and unrestrained by reason and wisdom, put the whole world is in danger. Iran has a glorious past. Persian King Cyrus the great gave the world the first charter of human rights. Ironically and unfortunately, the same glorious land has emerged a man, bent on destroying humanity. This madman may not only turn Iran's historical humanistic legacy upside down, but also the reason for this great nation's destruction. Didn't his mentor and spiritual Guru, Grand Ayatollah Khomeini, said: “… I say, let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world” (Bostom, 2008, p. 149). We can only hope that Ahmadinejad has the mind and intelligent to understand that his mythological Mahdi won't come and that any attack on Israel would bring catastrophic consequence for his nation.

Common Iranians unable to guide the destiny of their nation, I hope that Ahmadinejad, inspired by his delusional belief, would not go to the point of bringing tragic downfall of a whole people. I hope Ahmadinejad will take lesson from what Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto had commented (Safire, 1993, p. 666) after the Pearl Harbor attack: "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve".


Books and Journals

  1. Alexander Yonah & Hoenig Milton M. (2008) The new Iranian leadership: Ahmadinejad, terrorism, nuclear ambition, and the Middle-East. Greenwood Publishing Group. INC. Westport. USA.
  2. Allison, Graham (2005) Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe. Owl Books. Henry Holt and Company. LLC. NY.
  3. Babbin Jed L., Gingrich Newt (2007) In the words of our enemies. Regnery Publishing Ltd. Washington DC.
  4. Bostom, Andrew G. (2008) The legacy of Islamic antisemitism: from sacred texts to solemn history. Prometheus Books. NY.
  5. Donovan, Robert J. (1996) Conflict and crisis: the presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1945-1948. University of Missouri Press.
  6. Fitzpatrick, Mark (2008) The Iranian Nuclear Crisis: Avoiding Worst Case Outcomes. (The International Institute for the Strategic Studies). Routledge. Abingdon. Oxon. UK.
  7. Hall Kenneth E. (2005) Stonewall Jackson and religious faith in military command. McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers. North Carolina. USA
  8. Hitler, Adolf (1925) Mein Kampf. A1939 English translation by Houghton Mifflin and edited of verbosity. Reynal & Hitchcock.
  9. Hussain, Zahid (2007) Frontline Pakistan: The Struggle with Militant Islam. Colombia University Press. NY.
  10. Langewiesche, William (2008) The Atomic Bazaar: Dispatches from the underground world of nuclear power. Penguin Books Ltd. London
  11. Lewis, Bernard (2003) The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror. Clays Ltd, St Ives plc. GB
  12. Matas, David (2005) Aftershock: anti-zionism and anti-semitism. Dundurn Press. Toronto. Ontario. Canada
  13. Montefiore, Simon Sebag (2005) Speeches That Changed the World. Quercus Publishing Ltd. London.
  14. Nasr, Vali (2007) The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam will shape the Future. W. W Norton and Company. Inc. NY
  15. Pipes, Daniel (1983) In the Path of God. Transaction Publishers. New Brunswick. USA
  16. (Report) U.S Congress, (1993) Technologies underlying weapons of mass destruction. Office of Technology Assessment. US Government printing office. Published in December 1993. Washington DC. USA.
  17. Richardson, Louise (2006) What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Terrorist Threat. John Murray (Publishers). London.
  18. Rippin, Andrew (2005) Muslims: Their religious beliefs and practices. Routledge. London.
  19. Safire, William (1993) Safire's political dictionary. (Updated and expanded edition). Oxford University Press. NY.
  20. Schiff, Ze’ev (2006) New Iranian Missiles put Europe in Firing Range. Published on Haaretz on 27th April, 2006.
  21. Young, Robert E. (2009) The Sign of Your Coming?: Tell Us, When Will These Things Be? and What Will Be. Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC. Mustang. Oklahoma. USA
  22. Wangyal, Phuntsog (1975) The Influence of Religion on Tibetan Politics. The Tibet Journal, edited by, Tsering, Vol.1, July-Sept Issue 1975.


  1. Bodansky, Yossef (1998) Pakistan’s Islamic Bomb. Freeman Center for Strategic Studies URL: http://www.freeman.org/m_online/jul98/bodansky.htm (Last accessed May 30, 2010)
  2. Kasem, Abul (2008) The Demise of Islam? Published on Islam Watch on July 17, 2008. URL: http://www.islam-watch.org/AbulKasem/Demise-of-Islam.htm (Last accessed May 30, 2010)

Author can be contacted at counter.jihad@yahoo.co.uk


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Kills (1) Lambs (1) Language (1) Law (1) Law of Polygamy (1) Lawn (1) Lawyers (1) Leader (1) Leaves Islam (1) Leaving Islam (1) Left wing (1) Leftist (1) Letter (1) Leucochloridium (1) Liberal (1) Liberal Pacifism (1) Liberate (1) Lover (1) Lunacy (1) Lynching (1) Madrassah (1) Mahdi (1) Major (1) Major Hasan (1) Malaysia (1) Malignant (1) Manhattan (1) Mankind (1) Manual (1) Martyrdom (1) Masochism (1) Mass Murderer (1) May 14 (1) Megalomaniac (1) Message (1) Michael Moore (1) Michigan (1) Middle Ages (1) Middle East (1) Middle Eastern Muslim terrorists (1) Mihrab (1) Mike Ghouse (1) Militant (1) Miracles (1) Misfits (1) Misguidance (1) Misogynist (1) Mobocracy (1) Moderate (1) Moderate Islam (1) Moderate Muslim (1) Modern Islamic Lies (1) Mohammad (1) Mohammad’ (1) Momin Muslims (1) Momins (1) Money (1) Month of Jihad (1) Moral (1) More Deadly (1) MothersSacrifice (1) Mullahs (1) Multiculturalism (1) Murdered (1) Mushrooming (1) Muslim Actress (1) Muslim Caliphs (1) Muslim Cleric (1) Muslim Enclaves (1) Muslim Girls (1) Muslim Mindset (1) Muslim Mosque (1) Muslim Woman (1) Muslim World (1) Muslim agenda (1) Muslima (1) Muslims Wife (1) Muslims chop off hands of Christian (1) Must Be Killed (1) Mutliculturalism (1) Myth of Islam (1) Nagasaki (1) Narcisist (1) Nazi murderers (1) Nazism (1) Never Forget (1) New Phenomenon (1) New Year’s Eve Attack (1) Non-Jihadi Muslims (1) Nonie Darwish (1) Nuclear (1) Obama Lies (1) Obama Statements (1) Palestine (1) Palestine Myth (1) Palestinian Arabs (1) Palestinian State (1) Parasites (1) Pastor Jones (1) Peace (1) Perfect Eternal Faith (1) Peril (1) Peter King (1) Phenomena (1) Philadelphia (1) Playboy Magazine (1) Political (1) Political Correctness (1) Political Islam (1) Poverty (1) Pray (1) Prayer (1) Prince Charles (1) Pro-Islamic (1) Problem (1) Progressives (1) Propagandist (1) Prophet of Profit (1) Prophetic Traits (1) Proud (1) Provocative (1) Psychopathology of Islam (1) Purpose Driven (1) Quran Burning (1) Quran-burning (1) Quranic Verses (1) Qurayza Massacre (1) Race (1) Radical Ideology (1) Radical Islamists (1) Radicalism (1) Radicalization (1) Raped (1) Raping (1) Raping Captured Woman (1) Rapist (1) Rayhana (1) Real Life of Muhammad (1) Reasons (1) Reformation of Islam (1) Relativism (1) Religion Disguised (1) Religion of Peace (1) Religion of Purity (1) Religious (1) Religious Imprinting (1) Repent (1) Repressive (1) Respect (1) Revolutionaries (1) Revolutions (1) Sacred Ground (1) Safiya (1) Saga (1) Sahaba (1) Savagery (1) Science (1) Seduce (1) Seduction (1) Sex Slave (1) Sex-Slavery (1) Sexual Perversity (1) Shameless (1) Sharia Rule (1) Shariah (1) Shariah Law (1) Silent Revolution (1) Sitemap (1) Slaughter (1) Slave (1) Societies (1) Socio-Economic (1) Speech (1) Spirit (1) Stealth Jihad (1) Stoning (1) Stop (1) Stop Islamization of America (1) Struggle (1) Stupid (1) Stupidity (1) Suffer (1) Sunni Islam (1) Superhuman (1) Supporter (1) Suppression (1) Supremacy (1) Sura Fil (1) Swastika (1) TSA Worker (1) Taliban (1) Taqiya (1) Taqqiya (1) Teaching Love (1) Ten Commitments (1) The Bobo Doll (1) The Left (1) The Prophets (1) The Third Jahada (1) Threat of Islam (1) Threat: (1) Thug and Fraud (1) Tolerance (1) Translation (1) Treason (1) Trial (1) Tribulation (1) True Face of Islam (1) Turmoil (1) U.S. Constitution (1) UN workers (1) USA (1) Unusual (1) Urinary (1) Value (1) Veil of Islam.Grand Jihad (1) Veiled (1) Vijay Kumar (1) Violent (1) Violent Ideology (1) Violent Jihad (1) Vulva (1) WWIII (1) Wafa Sultan (1) Walid Shoebat (1) Wanted (1) War in Afghanistan (1) War on Democracy (1) Weapon (1) West Bank (1) Western Imperialism (1) Western Infidel Women (1) Westerners (1) White House (1) Whorehouse (1) Why I Left Islam (1) WikiLeaks (1) Wisdom (1) Women's Education (1) Wretched (1) Yoni (1) Youth (1) Zakat (1) anti-Christian (1) anti-Islamic (1) anti-Kurdish (1) de-Christianization (1) deceiving (1) extremists (1) lying (1) misleading (1) psychopaths (1) targeted killing (1)