Muslims get baffled when they hear that many Muslims are leaving Islam, the finest and only true religion of God, and embrace other faiths, Christianity for example. This article explains what makes Islam unsuitable for civilized human beings, which propels some Muslims out of Islam and to other faith...
Here is a video, in which Lebanese-born former Muslim Kamal Saleem, now a Christian, talks about "Why I Left Islam":
Many Muslims wonder why any Muslim leaves the wonderful of Islam, the only true religion of God, to join Christianity, the religion of crusaders and killers of a large numbers of Latin Americans.
Yes many Christians have done bad things but their role model Jesus did not do any of the bad things. For instance he did not do any of the following according to their scriptures and history:
- Killing and torturing innocents
- Carrying out genocides
- Having critics assassinated
- Raiding innocent communities for loot and booty
- Rounding up women, distributing them among jihadis and raping them
- Killing innocent men and sleeping with their widows the same night
- Practice pedophilia
- Practice incest
- Practice polygamy.
Quran 33.21: Prophet is your role model
However true Muslims act in accordance with Quran and sunna. Here are examples of what activities are halal and in accordance with hadiths and sunna.
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Followers of Quran and sunna mass murdered Sudani Christians by burning them alive.
(Hadith (Ishaq, p. 316): “Following Badr, Muhammad sent a number of raiders with orders to capture some of the Meccans and burn them alive.”)
2.216: Fighting is prescribed for you
Q 9.5: Slay the infidels wherever you find them
Q 3.152: You slew them by His permission.
Q 33.26: A part [of them] ye slew, and a part ye made captives; (900 men of Quraiza tribe, above the age of 13 were killed, women and others were made captives)
Q 8.017: It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah:
Q 8.67: It hath not been [granted] unto any prophet, that he should possess captives, until he had made a great slaughter [of the infidels] in the earth.
Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 512:
Narrated Anas:
Prophet attacked Khaybar unannounced. Their men were killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives. She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet.
Bukhari vol 3, Book 46, No. 717
Prophet had suddenly attacked Bani Mustaliq without warning while they were heedless and their cattle were being watered at the places of water. Their men were killed and their women and children were taken as captives; the Prophet got Juwairiya on that day.
"Sirat e Rasulullah" by Ishaq, p. 464:
After beheading all 700-900 Quraiza men the apostle divided their property, wives and children as booty. He took Rayhana d. Amr b. Khunafa for himself.
Q 9.5: kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them
Q 5.33: murder them, crucify them, or cut off a hand and foot on opposite sides...
Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 259:
Allah's Apostle sent us in a mission and said, "If you find so-and-so and so-and-so, burn both of them with fire"
Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234:
Narrated Abu Qilaba
He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra' and when they asked for water, no water was given to them."
Tabari VIII, p. 122/Ishaq, p. 515:
The Prophet gave orders concerning Kinanah to Zubayr, saying, ‘Torture him until you root out and extract what he has. So Zubayr kindled a fire on Kinanah’s chest, twirling it with his firestick until Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger gave him to Maslamah, who beheaded him.
Ishaq, p. 595: "The Apostle said, ‘Get him away from me and cut off his tongue.”
Jihadists follow sunna of the prophet by cutting out tongue of a bad Muslim/apostate. Watch the video:
Momins use any means to comply with aya 9.5. Here a Muslim suicide bomber is being prepared for a jihadi mission by filling his anus with explosives to kill and torture infidels.
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33.60 "Truly, if they (critics/ Hypocrites) stir up sedition, if the agitators in the City do not desist, We shall urge you to go against them and set you over them. Then they will not be able to stay as your neighbors for any length of time. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy - a fierce slaughter - murdered, a horrible murdering. (last sentence appear to be a threat from Prophet)"
Killing of Abu Rafi
Tabari VII, p. 99: "In this year, the killing of Abu Rafi the Jew took place."
Assassination of Kab bin Ashraf
Bukhari 4.52.270: “Allah’s Messenger said, ‘Who is ready to kill Ashraf? He has said injurious things about Allah and His Apostle.’ Maslama got up saying, ‘Would you like me to kill him?’ The Prophet proclaimed, ‘Yes.’ Maslama said, ‘Then allow me to lie so that I will be able to deceive him.’ Muhammad said, ‘You may do so.’
![]() Iran: Hanging of Muslim Apostates |
Tabari VII, p. 101: “The Khazraj asked the Prophet for permission to kill Sallam Huqayq, who was in Khaybar. He granted this.”
Ishaq, p. 551: “Another victim was Huwayrith.. Huwayrith was put to death by Ali.
Ishaq, p. 551: The Messenger ordered Miqyas’ assassination”
Tabari VIII, p. 181: “The Messenger ordered six men and four women to be assassinated.
Ishaq, p. 550: “Muhammad ordered that certain men should be assassinated even if they were found behind the curtains of the Ka’aba.
23 Years; A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad", by Ali Dashti, (page 100):
Abu Afak, a man of great age (reputedly 120 years) was killed because he lampooned Mohammad. The deed was done by Salem b. 'Omayr at the behest of the Prophet, who had asked, "Who will deal with this rascal
Asma bte Marwan
Sirat Rasul Allah, Ishaq, p. 675-76:
The apostle said, "Who will rid me of Marwan's daughter?" 'Umayr b. 'Adiy al-Khatmi who was with him heard him, and that very night he went to her house and killed her. The day after Asma was killed the men of B. Khatma became Muslims because they saw the power of Islam.
![]() Private parts of a captured woman are being inspected by a momin Muslim |
Quran: Ayas 4.3,23.6,4.24,33.50 and 70.3 allows sex with slave girls and captured women which is adultery/rape
Hadiths (Ibn Ishaq, Sirat e Rasulullah, p. 766):
Safiyah was captured in the Khaibar raid and was claimed by the apostle as his share of booty... She was then seventeen. In the early dawn, the Prophet suspected some movement near the tent. It was Abu Ayyub (apparently the earlier peeping Tom was some one eles) He asked him what he was doing near his tent (Abu Ayyub had not gotten any captured woman in this raid).He replied: "I was afraid for you with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid for you on her account and was guarding you" (he didn’t have to keep an eye on them to guard them). The Prophet (either Mo bought the lie or felt pity for the horny man who had put his life on line in the raid yet was without a captured woman and spent the night looking around) prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
The History of Tabari, vol 8, p. 29-30:
From his share of captive women, prophet gave his son-in-law, Ali a slave girl, Raytah bt Hilal to enjoy her at his will. He also presented Uthman b. Affan, his son-in-law, another slave girl Zainab b. Hayan, and bestowed another girl (name unknown) to his father in-law Omar Ibn Khattab. Omar gave that girl to his son Abdullah. Most of Prophet's other elite companions received slave girls as gifts..
Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 512:
Narrated Anas:
Prophet attacked Khaybar unannounced. Their men were killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives; She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet.
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Bukhari vol. 3, Book 46, No. 717
Prophet had suddenly attacked Bani Mustaliq without warning while they were heedless and their cattle were being watered at the places of water. Their men were killed and their women and children were taken as captives; the Prophet got Juwairiya on that day.
Aya 33.50 allowed Prophet to have unlimited number of wives.
Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 6:
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Narrated Anas:
"The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives".
Prophet of Islam had eleven permanent wives in addition to slave girls and captured women.
Aya 65.4 permits marrying little girls:
And those of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the 'Iddah (prescribed period), if you have doubts (about their periods), is three months, and for those who have no courses (i.e. if they are still immature), their 'Iddah (prescribed period) is three months (Hilali-Khan)
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Rasooli : “If you divorce your (child) wife before she reaches menstruation age her idda is three months”.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
...that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years .
Prophet slept with his adopted son Zaid’s beautiful wife Zainab Bint Jash, who was also his first cousin, a double incest. It is confirmed by Quranic aya 33.37.
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Zainab was too happy to sleep with the aging and ugly father-in-law of his young and handsome husband, because she thought she was having sex with Allah’s prophet, a great honor. In a hurry to have sex with the young beauty, prophet did not perform any marriage ceremony. When she asked him about it he had to tell her that Allah had already performed their marriage ceremony in the heavens. Zainab was tickled pink to hear that. She always bragged to Prophet’s other wives that their marriage ceremony was performed by Allah in the heavens.
Bukhari,Volume 9, Book 93, Number 517:
Zainab used to boast before other wives of the Prophet and used to say, "Allah married me (to the Prophet) in the Heavens."
Q 8.41: and know that whenever ye seize anything as a spoil and booty, a fifth (20%) belongs to Allah and His Apostle.
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Q 59.6: Allah gave all the booty (Fai') to His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) if the unbelievers surrendered without fight.
"Sirat e Rasulullah", Ibn Ishaq, p. 464:
After beheading all 700-900 Quraiza men the apostle divided their property, wives and children as booty. He took Rayhana d. Amr b. Khunafa (15 year old beuty) for himself.
Prophet received 20% of all booty from his raids which included male and female slaves. Here Prophet enjoying booze received in booty served by a young male slave of an enslaved family (booze was halal until his jihadi raiders were screwing raid operations by getting drunk on the job).